The sword is temporary.


The former sword is like a mountain, lacking in spiritual essence, lacking in momentum, not mountains
At this moment, the agarwood sword floats in the middle.
The sword front gathers but does not send.
But all the monks have felt the mountain momentum.
The sword is not as imposing as it has been.
The agarwood seems to be solidified in the middle, and the sails are no longer flying. The mast is slightly bent and motionless.
Sun Hao face a face of piety, the whole people also entered the state of understanding the sword like a mountain.
Slowly and deeply, Sun Haokai said, "My brother’s sword is like a mountain, and the mountain breaks … agarwood goes …"
Sun Hao’s understanding of the sword is extremely short.
But the five monks in front have been at war with the Black Dragon and the Dragon Boat Array.
Just like the first time, the black dragon and the dragon boat Weinenggen can’t be resisted by five monks then.
It seems that this moment has solidified.
The war is so tragic.
After many years, the tragic scene of the sea still haunts Sun Hao’s mind.
After many years, the monks who experienced this war could not clearly feel the tragic battle picture of that year.
Zhong Lijuan’s mouth was full of blood, and her body was bloody and faint, and she flew back;
Lan Guochun’s trident broke off two auxiliary forks, leaving only the main fork to become a sea spear, but Lan Guochun struggled to fly in the direction of Zhong Lijuan and tried to catch her before she fell into the sea.
One-eyed Hao’s left arm broke off and the fire burst into flames and fell into the sea;
As soon as Zangkang was penetrated by the golden gun in the abdomen, holding the golden gun in one hand could not stop the golden gun from impacting backwards and back.
As soon as Zang Bei is bounced high by white clouds, it flies like a projectile to the half.
The black dragon in the white clouds has a thick disdain.
Longba bowed his head and knelt down, still mumbling.
At this time, Sun Hao binge drank "agarwood to …"
Five monks then listened to Sun Haoyin and Qi Qi’s heart. Zheng agarwood actually fought to the death. Is this so good?
Once the black dragon dragon plate is obtained, the last lamella transformation is completed, and the strength is greatly increased. The dragon family will inevitably endanger the mainland.
One-eyed Hao flashed a little bit of relief in three one-eyed eyes, but also had side regrets
I am glad that agarwood is so bloody! !
A kindred spirit is a man of temperament! !
Chapter seven hundred and twenty-five As great as a mountain
It’s a pity that agarwood is so ignorant that it is as reckless as itself.
It’s a pity that the Terran Friar will fall into the ranks of a talented and arrogant generation.
It’s a pity that I didn’t stop the Dragon Family in the end, and I didn’t stop the resurrection of the Black Dragon.
Niang one-eyed Hao three hearts a horizontal brimming with five such as burning hot burning mouth binge drinking a "ah …" Forced course then.
I didn’t wait for Hirozo the One-eyed to blow himself up.
! ; "Bang" but a huge explosion suddenly one-eyed Hirozo rang.
The huge air billow surged and the one-eyed Hao San was involuntarily pushed away. He was seriously injured. Hao San finally couldn’t support the dizziness in his mind. In the past moment, the one-eyed Hao San broke his heart and cursed "Who robbed the old self-explosion?"
Five then vulnerable in the later period.
The black dragon’s eyes flashed proudly.
It was a moment when five then were repelled.
The black dragon suddenly heard Sun Hao drink "agarwood to …"
The black dragon looked up at Corleone slightly one leng.
Only to find that a broken sword in front of Sun Hao suddenly disappeared like a mountain.
It’s bad to feel a surge in my heart
Just breaking the sword gave him a heavy and heavy feeling.
Gave him a mountain of feeling.
What kind of broken sword makes his black dragon have the illusion of looking up?
Feel the need to look up at the mountains.
And the broken sword disappeared?
The tail shrinks back, and the black dragon shakes gently in the white clouds, waiting for the dragon boat array and altar to be closely watched in the height.
The broken sword disappeared in the instant knowledge, and he was rolling towards his head in Bai Yunfei.
What is this?
Shake away the white clouds?
The black dragon suddenly shrank his eyes and looked at the sudden appearance of hitting the white clouds and agarwood sword. In my heart, there was a feeling of solidification at this moment.
Actually, it is a kind of "potential", which is extremely fast and reaches the extreme, making people slow down. There is also a mountain of momentum.
A broken sword
Two kinds of imposing manner
However, it is very rare for the black dragon to bask in both potentials, but it also depends on who the opponent is, which is nothing but childish to the old black dragon.
The dragon head is not affected by two kinds of momentum at all, and the giant tail is raised high and drawn to the agarwood sword.
Sun Hao’s eyes shrink, and the black dragon deserves to be the black dragon, but it is not affected by himself. It seems that even if it is a sword, it will be very difficult to fight today.

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