"You are very clever. That’s exactly how you want to create a semi-ancestor."? Even when the eternal Lord and you Xu joined hands, it took unimaginable efforts to get me to appear, and even worse, my means were not as good as theirs. "


"It’s really too difficult. Okay, I’m smart …"
The white-robed woman smiled here. "After the ancestors of the old Terran left the eternal universe, I was white. This can give birth to the old Terran. There must be something wrong with the old Terran … There must be some way to see through things. The ancestors of the old Terran suddenly appeared like a sign, just like he didn’t belong to this eternal universe but suddenly appeared …"
"He killed the Eternal Lord and imprisoned the Xu family, and left the old Terran god … there must be his intention."
Chapter 133 The secret of the ancestors
The white-robed woman said here that Su Li said, "So you made Xuehui a member of the old Terran and a group of new people appeared there."
"Yes, I have experienced several experiments and failed."
"I keep thinking, scrutinizing and studying the gains and losses of every failure, summing up the experience … I have a feeling that everything the ancestors of the old Terran did was for various reasons, but maybe we don’t have his goals in his position, or the object of his competition should be eternal …"
The white-robed woman’s words made Su Li slightly scream, "Beyond the eternal universe?" I immediately thought that there are similar higher universes outside the eternal universe of Moho Zhou and Magic Zhou.
The white-robed woman looked at Su Li. "You can enter the magic acyl twice and leave the ancestral home of the old Terran … I know that you have left the eternal universe. You should also leave the eternal universe. When the white eternal universe is not the only universe, there are similar universes outside the eternal universe than behind these universes. Will there be higher? All this is unsolved. I guess several times that maybe the ancestors of the old Terran came from our method to guess that at a higher level, maybe he had to confront or compete for opponents … He stayed in the old Terran forever, maybe he arranged some kind of cause … "
Su Li listened quietly and thought of entering Eternal Universe. At that time, I saw something in the turbulent flow. The giant was vaguely recognized in his heart. Eternal Universe was not the only one. The ancestors of the old Terran must have had his reasons for doing all this.
He is a little confused now. Every year, a group of new people will enter the world of God, Heaven and Man, and if they live, they will become the old Terran. This should be the means arranged by the ancestors of the old Terran. No wonder he has not seen through this means until now to find the universe of the earth.
Because this early ancestor is too powerful, he has covered everything by all means, and he is stronger than Su Li now, so he can find clues.
"So it was your intention that I met Xuehui that year?"
The woman in white shook her head. "It’s not that this may be a coincidence, but I didn’t expect to wait for you …"
She just said here Su Li suddenly said, "Do you think it’s a coincidence? Since it’s not your means, it’s not necessarily someone else’s means … "
As soon as this sentence came out, the white-robed woman was shocked and her face became a little ugly.
In her Bai Suli words, the meaning of her face sank slightly, and the sound was a little gloomy. "What you said doesn’t make sense. I’ve always suspected that … you may be the original ancestor of the old Terran who arranged some kind of cause. Although I can understand what happened to the original ancestor of the old Terran who disappeared and what he needs to deal with, your various performances have made me understand that you should have some kind of connection with him."
"Since you have such a guess, you have never given me a hand, but you have given me a chance to grow up?" Su Li didn’t understand that if this woman had made an early move in front of her, she was afraid that she would have died long ago, and it would be impossible for her to have a chance to grow up to this day.
White female giggled out, "what to deal with you? I am most looking forward to you two growing up. "
Su Li, look at Xu Xuehui and look at this white-robed woman. "So even Tian Bu’s hand is directed by you?" In the end, I hope that we will all grow up? "
He remembered that the gods of heaven once took Xu Xuehui and wanted to seal the magic acyl with her. Now that we know that there is this white woman behind the scenes, it should be what she instructed. Since she wants herself and Xu Xuehui to grow up, it represents that she has great ambitions in her heart.
The woman in white shook her head before revealing a smile. "That’s not that I won’t interfere too much. I believe that if you are in my plan, those two will definitely come to me one day. If you die on the way, there is a possibility that you are not my chosen people."
Su Li looked at the square and found that he and Xu Xuehui had complex patterns and symbols in the square.
The Emperor of the Ghost, the Emperor of Yin, the Emperor of Zhou Jue and the Emperor of Lei have fled into the divine palace in succession.
Yin Candle the Great also immediately returned to the ancient city.
Just now, the conversation between the white-robed woman and Su Li was so shocking that they knew a lot of secrets, but they also knew that there was a gap between Su Li and the white-robed woman. Once they started their work, there was no room for them to intervene. The only thing they could do was to hide in the ancient city to avoid the war. Of course, if Su Li needed it, they could lend him their strength to make him stronger.
Blink of an eye, the two emperors and the imperial capitals disappeared, leaving the distant divine palace, white-robed women, Su Li and Xu Xuehui.
Su Li knew that it was not good to see the complicated runes in the square. This white woman has already arranged some kind of seal here. She wants to seal herself and Xu Xuehui at one stroke.
The immortal mind moved, and the statue of Mao Dragon immediately descended. Six huge arms were separated together, and they called the white-robed woman and stamped their feet. This virtual shock shook him. He wanted to break the seal with his absolute power.
Xu Xuehui also followed by summoning himself. Sen Luo is like a huge female arrival, and her body is full of pink energy.
The woman in white still smiles. Su Li punches and attacks the seal. She looks at Xu Xuehui and says, "We all come from the real ancestors, but we want to be the ancestors of Cheng’s ancestors, so there is hope. I have been waiting for this day for too long."
The white-robed woman said that her hands closed in front of her and she made a seal. Xu Xuehui was about to make a move and suddenly found that the pink energy in her body was uncontrolled and a pink rainbow light was projected.
"What’s the matter?" Xu Xuehui was shocked.

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