

Violent explosion, fire flashes at the same time, and smoke billows at the scene!
Before the explosion, the vibration gathered in the hall, but the tourists were calmed down by the security.
If this sea paradise explodes continuously, it will be a sea coffin, which is absolutely fatal!
"We’re leaving. Don’t stop us. We’re leaving here!"
"Don’t worry, it’s an accident. We have found the target source and the horse can restore calm …"
Suddenly, the whole dining area lost its light, and it was dark. In the distance, the kitchen exploded, the fire and smoke, and the fire-fighting spray head zi zi sprayed water.
Screaming, cursing and crying broke out in a flash.
In the chaos, people rushed directly through the security captain’s block and rushed to the underground garage passage.
The security captain froze.
Can’t stop it, it’s even more impossible to attack the guest!
"Report minister, tourists have rushed to the underground garage because of the emotional loss of control caused by the second explosion, and I can’t stop them from trying to evacuate."
This is the first bad news that Xiao Ye Morisaburo, the security minister, received. Before he could handle it, Ma had the second bad news.
"The report minister has sealed off the staff rest area and found no suspicious personnel. Two bodies were found in the explosion room, and a big hole leading to the warehouse area has been chased by two deputy ministers."
"Report to the minister that a fire broke out in the oil storage area. The fire has spread. Is it a fire fighting or …"
The reporter is also confused.
The consequences of a fire in the oil storage area …
Hearing this news, Xiao Ye Morisaburo, the security minister, felt that his head was going to explode.
This is special!
The fire in the oil storage area is absolutely no problem if it burns half of the sea paradise!
At that time, it will not be a performance problem, but a responsibility for dereliction of duty!
"put out the fire!"
"Order all the water and soil departments to put out the fire, and I will go there immediately!"
"Its deputy minister and captain continue to go to the warehouse area to pursue!"
"Command the garage to close the garage gate, unless the fire spreads to the garage, you are not allowed to put a car away from me!
I’m sure the killer will be among the tourists who are leaving because of panic! "Xiao Ye Morisaburo growled up to the command.
He has seen the killer’s routine clearly.
Create chaos and then take advantage of it to escape.
But he can’t let the killer get what he wants!
"Team 7, you are not allowed to leave the garage except for firefighters and horses." Xiao Ye Morisaburo ordered.
"Roger that!"
Sea paradise is really a big building, and it is also necessary for the security team to get there.
At the same time, Xu retired and rushed into the underground garage passage. "Can Huang cut off the passage in the underground garage area?"
"But my invasion is very limited. It is estimated that they will recover in one to three minutes."
"That’s enough"
As Huang promised to retreat, the three emergency gates were slowly descending and blocked the passage.
Before the underground garage leaves the passage, more and more tourists have to drive away from the tourists because of panic.
The security guard on duty not only didn’t mean anything, but also put the gate directly.
I have already taken off my employees’ clothes and retired. At this time, I have been disguised to repel the flying car and prepare to mix with the crowd. Huang, who is far from here, also keeps reporting the security team’s movements.
"There are already teams coming to reinforce, but I cut off the security elevator line. It takes them at least two minutes to start the emergency source!"
Listen, Huang Yin Xu tui is driving a repulsive flying car, carefully interspersed with moments when the security room at the entrance of the passage enters the range of Xu tui’s telepathy.
Telepathy, advanced hypnosis, instant initiation
In an instant, a security guard just pressed the pass button like a fool, and its security guard ignored the line as if he didn’t see it.
The gate rises and blocks a large number of repulsive flying cars here, just like Tiger Mountain, and they rushed out one by one for fear of being buried in the sea of fire later.
Smoke has come from the underground garage!
Moment Xu back also conveniently followed blunt go out.
Rushing out at the moment of Xu’s retreat, two extremely strong life breath fluctuations appeared steeply in the rear.
Two extreme gene evolution condition the strong have arrived at the garage.
But looking at the crazy pouring out of the traffic, the two deputy security ministers also stared blankly.
Fifteen seconds later, he rushed to the security room of the garage, and a deputy minister roared angrily, "Who told you to hit the gate and let go?"
Conveniently, I also directly slapped the gate security guard!
It took a slap to get rid of the security guard before he woke up like a dream!
"Hypnosis! They were hypnotized by the master! "
"This … that this traffic can stop?"
"Is there?"
Xiao Ye Morisaburo, the minister of safety in the oil storage area, is working with several water experts to control the monstrous waves and seal off the whole oil storage area.
Even oil can’t burn without oxygen

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