This cheer from Huixin, a classmate who has always been quiet in soy sauce, has caused a chain reaction.


Xu came back!
Silver Swordsman Xu is back!
Flying Swordsman has come to the actual combat training class!
You know, among the students in Mystery College, Xu tui is a great god.
After Deng Wei retired after World War I, there were few actual combat training classes.
Xu tui took part in the actual communication with the exchange delegation in India-India joint district. After that, Xu tui became a little famous.
Since then, the first-year students of Mystery College are always looking forward to a fight with Xu.
Looking forward to a practical exchange with Xu tui.
Do not strive for victory
But seek to test one’s own strength and know a gap.
This kind of psychology is the same as that of young children who always like to play with children two or three years older than him. Even if they are bullied, they still have to chase their butts to play.
To sum it up, one sentence is interesting and challenging!
However, I have never been to this practical training class once since I became famous as Flying Swordsman.
Let many students very disappointed.
As soon as a large number of students got together, the news that Flying Swordsman Xu had retired from the actual combat training class today.
Especially extraordinary all around.
Including the radiation effect of soy sauce, the presence of induction also joined in the fun.
"Xu retreat and fight with me, let me experience the swordsman!"
"Xu, let’s talk in actual combat. Let me see if I can prevent you from taking silver pills!"
"Xu tui, you finally came to show us."
"Flying Swordsman, where’s your sword?"
In an instant, it became a quarrel.
At this time, several mysterious college teaching assistants are on duty.
It’s boring to see this appearance
To tell the truth, they also want to see Xu tuifei sword.
Professor Shao Wen is teaching this lesson, but what about the back office area?
It is impossible for such a professor to give on-the-spot guidance all the time, otherwise he will be bored to death.
In most cases, students are allowed to consult Wen Shao if they have problems and can’t solve them first.
Of course, students with special treatment are different.

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