White-leaf refining the star king makes the celestial world have an exciting news.


A group of immortals are talking about it in a small town near Qilin Sea in the north of San Luocheng, the central fairy land.
"Who is really shrinking?"
"Of course, Zhenfan has been shrinking since its birth, but it has never been reduced recently. It won’t be long before it becomes a tiny place."
"So the core of Fandi is really exposed?"
"This is not very clear, but someone came back from the Kirin Sea and said that Fan’s breath was swept out of the whirlpool of the Kirin Sea, and he could clearly sense that someone was saving Fan."
"Not to say that every heaven will collapse? Is it that the immortal emperor is trying to save Fan? "
"It’s not the Kirin Sea vortex that connects Van, but there are few opportunities to bring out Van’s breath. The fairy was lucky enough to feel Van’s situation, but there was no senior fairy there, but I don’t know who said it seemed that the Bai family was there and it was the Bai family who was saving Van."
"The White House to people? Oh, I think it’s the White House girl. I heard that he’s here, and he’s stayed since Fan Da messed around. "
Everyone is talking about it, but they all agree with this statement
"Does Bai Jiafan have this thing?"
"Is there such a thing that we don’t know now, but it will be known after a while? You should also have heard that Yu Fan’s core statement wants the Bai Jiafan fetus to continue to save, and the core will definitely be exposed. Whoever collects the core will be promoted to the next level immediately!"
Immortals don’t know much about the world, but they don’t know anything about the world. But there are still some practices in the world. Immortals know that there is more than one world in Qian Qian besides the celestial world. Although the celestial world is the highest level, it is also very attractive to have another world that belongs to them.
It is precisely because of this statement that when the core was born, many immortals began to use their brains, and many of them were made up of those immortals who rose to become their own masters of the world, which was even more tempting for them.
Although these people know all the chaos, they also have the heart. Now, although they know that there is little hope, they will fight for it.
"Although the core will be exposed, there are so many people in the celestial world that we may not get it!" A fairy some depressed to say
"Although this is the truth, there is still a chance to fight. If we don’t fight, there will be no last chance."
This is indeed a truth. All immortals are immortals, who are the basic level of the celestial world. They know that they are going to join in the fun, but it is impossible if their destiny is huge and they get the core!
A group of immortals gathered in this small town to discuss everything, and the same thing is slowly being discussed elsewhere. Most immortals know their ability to heaven, but they can get the core. Even if they are capable, they want to give it a try, even if they are about to collapse, they are not willing to miss this opportunity.
In the White House Hall, Grandpa Bai Qing, a white leaf, was facing inward alone, and his eyes were closed. Soon, a boy in white came in. His eyes shone brightly, and the white mark on his forehead said that he was powerful. He was Bai Yu, his cousin Bai Ye.
Master! "Bai Yu worshipped Bai Qing.
"Royal son, have you heard anything recently?"
"Are we in the central fairy land?"
Bai Yudao: "Yu Er did hear that everyone said earlier that the Heaven of Heaven was about to collapse, and some immortals have returned. Recently, everyone said that the core of Heaven is about to die, and many people are discussing how to accept this world!"
Bai Yu opened his eyes and turned to a pair of eyes with dim starlight. "What do you think of this, Yu Er?"
"Grandpa, the world of our central fairy realm is like a cornerstone here. If it is broken, it will also be affected here, but it will not be greatly affected. However, if we can collect the core, we can collect it."
Bai Qing didn’t nod or shake his head. He said, "All the influences on our fairy land are not small. You want to come and hear that your cousin Bai Ye is living in this world."
Bai Yu was stunned. "Is it really a white leaf?"
He had also heard that Bai Jiafan, who promoted the core worldly life, was his baby, but he didn’t know that Baiye, the baby, had any means to do such a thing. Now when he heard grandpa’s words, he knew that it was really like this.
"Since my cousin is still the core secular person, he can just charge directly, and our White House can also get the maximum benefit," Bai Yu added.
Who wants to Bai Qing shook his head and said, "Your cousin can’t. After all, he is a mortal. Even if there are some strange means, this world is not suitable for him. I think if you want to accept it, you should collect it."
"Me? No! " Bai Yu said in one mouthful
The stars in Bai Qing’s eyes flashed and said, "What?"
"I don’t want anything from him!" Bai Yu quickly said that he had always been worried about Baiye’s identity and was ashamed that Baiye was a mortal child. Now it is very uncomfortable for him to accept what Baiye made.
Bai Qing didn’t scold him, but simply said, "If you don’t want that kind of person, you will have to do it!"
Speaking of which, he looked at Bai Yu and said, "I know your generation is comparing with each other, do you know?" Some people have long taken a fancy to every core. "
Bai Yu frowned and read the novel network all the way, bsp; Bai Qing said flatly, "We are mortal beings. No one knows better than us what happened, but we didn’t do anything. Do you know anything?"
Bai Yu shook his head.

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