"Don’t panic, don’t panic …" The strong man was a soldier, and he cried out urgently to stabilize everyone’s mood.


"da da da!"
A row of bullets swept over, and the strong man was smashed on the spot and fell to the ground.
Just gathered the crowd and spread instantly.
Four heavy machine guns and half trucks came out and shot wildly at both sides of the road.
"Bang bang!"
A car in front hit the other side, and even the bunker rushed straight to the front in wait for a while, but it was punctured by the ground before fleeing 50 meters, and the tire body rushed out of control four or five meters away to suppress the fire.
The soldiers of the regular army behind the bunker shot several people and killed them.
Even after such a beating, many people are frightened. The car slows down and dares not go forward and continue to rush.
Wu Tianyin thoroughly nasty with walkie-talkie shouted "team don’t stop I take you forward! The people in the car give me a hand and throw it out quickly! "
Voice down all again by a sigh of relief driving a vehicle for the second time impact each other bunker at the same time from the car hard to mine.
Explosions rang out one after another, and a large number of motorcades ran over together, directly hitting the fixed barbed wire iron pile and pushing the movable barbed wire aside.
4 Lian Chang’s face was not anxious. While hiding in the bunker, he observed the situation in the conflict zone and shouted, "One platoon shrinks backwards, don’t hold back the speed of the other side, wait for our reinforcements, and the second platoon moves to the left. Pay attention to the firepower configuration. Let me pass a wave of cars and stop another wave. I will completely cut its formation and reduce their effective counterattack firepower."
"Roger that!"
"Roger that!"
After receiving the order, the two platoons immediately started their work according to the commander’s instructions, but Wu Tianyin’s side was completely confused. The team was too long, and once it was beaten from it, the fore and aft could not care for each other.
Only then did Wu Tianyin fully understand that he had the ability to pull up the team, but he didn’t command anything. Even if he gave him two thousand people and twenty thousand people at the moment, he wouldn’t know it, and he wouldn’t be white.
"Stop the car!"
Wu Tianyin rushed over and immediately shouted a.
"We can’t stop and rush forward, or we won’t be able to leave if we are wrapped up," Xiao Xun shouted, pulling him.
"If the troops are on fire, they won’t care about people’s lives. If they can’t rush out, they will get stuck." Wu Tianyin pulled the driver and shouted, "Stop the car!"
"I can’t stop." The driver refused directly.
"Fuck you, stop the car!" Wu tianyin was completely anxious. "Xiao Yan dabin is behind!"
The driver hesitated
"Stop it!" Wu Tianyin directly pulls the steering wheel.
The driver couldn’t pull over.
Wu Tianyin pushed the door and pointed to Xiao Xun and shouted, "A4, bring me a helicopter."
"… that … that sticker is a military code. I … I won’t." Xiao Xun, a person who mixes the ground, has never played here, so he will sell it outside.
"I … I will"
Another car came, and a strong man immediately rushed to the trunk and carried out the A4 rocket launcher from the inside.
"Hit that helicopter," Wu Tianyin shouted at his companion while shooting at soldiers in the distance.
The strong man squatted down and didn’t play A4 rocket launcher very skillfully, and rushed to the sky on one knee.
Xiao Xun immediately put his front knee against his back to prevent him from being impacted by recoil.
"No, this thing has no recoil." The strong man replied, aiming at it for a long time before firing.
The rocket went up into the sky and went straight to the recent helicopter.
"No.2 machine to avoid!" The commander suddenly shouted a.
The pilot swung the control lever to the left and turned the helicopter directly to the side.
The helicopter was hit by a gun, and the smoke immediately rose from the tail. It staggered and fell to the left and rear at a high speed.

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