When Wang Foer’s figure faded away, a sigh sounded from the forest.


"I can’t figure out how this child can teach me!"
Wang Foer never found out that he got the dragon chariot from the war to the death of the red warrior, and everyone saw it at first sight …
"This fire is really spectacular!"
Wang Foer, who turned around like a fly all day, felt that his luck had changed. He actually saw the first city after he came to this world. Although he looked at the scale, it was a small county, which also made him excited.
Although the smoke curled up in this small town made his expectation of seeing the living somewhat negative, he walked in happily.
The county gate has been blown to pieces. It seems a little sad to hang the wreckage of half a door panel next to the door. It is only when Wang Foer stepped into the gate that he unexpectedly saw the numbness of the dead and the residual body. Wang Foer endured the chest discomfort and cursed a "these people are killing all day to show their martial arts?" Don’t know to leave some living things back … "
There is only one long street in the small town, and Wang Foer searched from house to house and found nothing of value. Obviously, the dry professional of the army set fire to the city, and it was really said that there was nothing to see.
It’s just that men die. Some women obviously suffered terrible destruction before their death.
Passing through the city, Wang Foer did not intend to stay. The five resin soldiers behind him staggered and followed suit, and naturally disagreed.
Looking up at the sky, I was disappointed. Suddenly, a windlass turned and Wang Foer was overjoyed. He jumped seven meters high and just reached out and hooked Chengtou. From a distance, a group of more than 100 refugees looked like they were pushing cars and carrying luggage to the city.
"My luck has finally turned to meet the living!"
Wang Foer was in tears, and he forgot that he had already seen a large number of living people, but the village was killed by the rebels a moment later.
Chapter one: the world is vast and spacious.
This group of refugees looked forward to their homes. Although the fire in the city was not extinguished, it was even more miserable, but they also expected a little more.
Wang Foer hid the five corpse soldiers properly, and his only hope at the gate was to find someone to communicate with.
"Recently, I’ve seen too many dead people, and my psychology is almost abnormal. I’m an artist who paints naked beautiful women, not an unlucky surgeon who dissects the internal organs and coolies … there seems to be no woman in this group!"
At this time, he can still be disappointed that this place can be different.
Wang Foer is not a native product from an ancient closed society. He has been edified by all kinds of modern information and has a first-class eye. One of these refugees is dressed in a rough blue robe and his hair is a bit curly. At first glance, he is the first of all.
He was thinking about how to talk. Suddenly, a middle-aged woman screamed like a whip, ran over and hugged Wang Foer and burst into tears.
"Son! Niang will know that you are not dead … "
"Hey! Although I’m not sure if I’m your son, I’m sure I’ll die again if you cover me like this … "
Wang Foer finally got rid of this humiliating way by struggling a few times, and once again he may have broken away from his nose and mouth and come out to breathe fresh air. He felt that it was really rare for a green robe student to come over and look at Wang Foer with a sigh and said, "Sister Yan, this is not your little treasure. Don’t be sad. Everything will pass …"
The middle-aged woman refused to believe anything. Although she was very respectful to this knowledgeable gentleman at ordinary times, this time she was holding Wang Foer and refused to give up.
I couldn’t persuade the green robe student to turn around and see Wang Foer. The complicated look in his eyes made Wang Foer understand the meaning. He immediately shouted, "Mom! It’s me. You let me go. I’m almost choked to death by you. "
Being called by this mother, the face of a middle-aged woman suddenly bloomed with light. Although it was to cooperate with a woman to appease her, this maternal glow made Wang Foer’s heart miserable and suddenly thought of "I was killed by gangsters and my mother would cry if she knew …"
Tears welled up in her eyes at the thought of Wang Foer. Instead, the middle-aged woman repeatedly comforted, "Xiaobao, don’t cry, don’t cry, and no one will hurt you when you are around your mother!"
Knowing that this middle-aged woman is a mother’s love and comfort, what danger does it really meet? What can this weak woman protect? However, Wang Foer suddenly felt a warm feeling, which made him feel a little more secure than when he arrived at the exquisite tower with red military commanders.
"Know I’m not afraid"
The eyes of several refugees around them all showed the same emotion. They lived in the same county town as Aunt Yan for decades. Of course, they knew that her children had indeed died when they fled, but no one had said anything.
By all means, Wang Foer finally got rid of the new "mother" and got together with the middle-aged man wearing a blue robe with a puff of gas. First, he gave a deep gift, which asked about the most heart-warming current war.
Since these people dare to return to the city, they naturally feel that the war will not happen again. Wang Foer here is eager to know the current situation.
"alas! Speaking of which, this time our Dagan Dynasty was defeated, and the general of Lingzhou Yanzhou Ganzhou Town killed Mu Yuanzhi by the hand of Sidi fire ape general Yan Chimei. Our time sent a total of 10,000 troops to save, but it was also too late. When the fire ape general saw the reinforcements, he had already returned to Sidi territory. For the time being, there will be no more war in Lingzhou. "
The middle-aged man claimed to be Mr. Tujing, though his knowledge was not profound, but he also had a good understanding of the general trend of the day. Wang Foer finally had this opportunity to ask all the questions in his heart.
Two people talk about aunt Yan, and she is quite relieved to see it.
Wang Foer did not know how to face this "mother" and deliberately went to his house with Mr. Tu Jing.
Although the house is a little messy, Mr. Tu Jing’s family is poor, and there are no valuables. Some of his books have been thrown all over the floor. His house is remote and not bad, but the fire situation is not bad.
After this chat, Wang Foer finally understood the general appearance of the world.
The vast area of China in Middle-earth has not been explored by many people today. The Dagan Dynasty occupied the central area, and always regarded its own culture as true. Sidi, a descendant of the ancient gods and punishments, had dozens of races with different ancestors. The people of Dagan Dynasty scorned the demon race to occupy the west of China in Middle-earth. However, both sides had tens of thousands of years of historical origins, migrated and intermarried, and the blood ties were intermingled long ago, which was more rare than the pure generation.
Moreover, in ancient times, the demon race in Bai Yue unified the whole day and intermarried with wild ethnic groups respectively, which led to the emergence of the Dagan Dynasty. This one was just born when the demon race in Baidi Terran intermarried with the descendants of the giant god.
Wang Foer thought hard that he had almost understood the world, and there were also astrological knowledge of Confucianism, Taoism, agriculture, mulberry, yin and yang, Buddha and Buddha.
However, these schools are very different from those of the earth. He has a headache now, but he should work hard in what way before he can make his life better.
Confucianism in Dagan dynasty is the most complicated article on the art of war and the war to govern the country, moral decrees and laws … ten times more than Confucianism he knew in his previous life. Middle-earth has had the custom of courtyard since ancient times, and Confucianism is now divided into dozens of schools with different political opinions.
Nine times out of ten, the officials and generals of Dagan Dynasty had experience in studying in colleges.

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