Bai yinting said that it would be nice to give him everything, and Xia Zhu and Xiao edamame should be responsible for enjoying it.


This time, I didn’t go too far for three days, but it was also wonderful for the family in Linhai to walk hand in hand on the sunset and dusk beach.
Xia Zhu sat on the beach, blowing the sea breeze and watching the afterglow of the sunset fall a little below the sea level.
Bai yinting, on the other hand, took a picture of her with her mobile phone and then took a picture of Xiaomedao, and the two of them gradually ran away.
"Is Dad ready?" Small edamame bass asked
"Everything is ready. Don’t tell mom. Oh, you must hold back or you won’t be surprised." Bai Yinting charged.
"Don’t worry, I’m reliable." Little edamame cheered and went to play.
Xia Zhu naturally didn’t know that there were other projects that were finished in the dark when he came out to play this time.
The next day, their family played outside during the day and returned to the hotel one night. Bai Yinting said that she would take them to eat western food, and everyone dressed more formally.
Xia Zhu changed clothes to find a little edamame waiting for her, and Bai Yinting disappeared.
"Mom, you’re so slow. Dad left in advance. Let’s go there first. He’ll be here soon," said Xiaomaidou.
"Since dad has something to do, let’s not eat any western food, right?" It happened that Xia Zhu didn’t really want to go.
"I want to eat." Little edamame wore it beautifully today. She also pointed to the car at the door and said, "Dad called all the cars."
Xia Zhunai got into the car with Xiao Maodou. She called Bai Yinting and no one answered.
It seems that he is busy. Wait for him there.
Because Bai Yinting had already told the driver that Xia Zhu didn’t know where to go, but the driver sent them directly.
After the car stopped, Xia Zhu couldn’t help but stare blankly. Didn’t he say that he was eating western food? This isn’t a western restaurant, is it?
"Master, are you sure this is it?" Xia Zhu stared at the mysterious garden storefront and couldn’t guess what place it was.
The driver is sure that this is the place. Little edamame seems more sure than the driver, as if she had been here.
"Let’s go, Mom, I know where it is." Little edamame said, pulling Xia Zhu to go inside.
"How do you know?" Xia Zhu has some accidents.
"Hehe" Little edamame didn’t tell the truth that she and her father had been here once.
Xia Zhu followed Xiao edamame through the corridor with gorgeous lights and then there was a door in front of him.
Little edamame stopped. "Mom, please."
"Here?" Xia Zhu felt strange and gently opened the door, and the lights inside were arranged like Xanadu.
Melodious melody keeps coming into ears and eyes, and there are beautiful everywhere, and almost many people she knows are here, and all of them are dressed up and holding roses in their hands to smile at her.
They are all on both sides of a red carpet, and Xia Zhu is surprised to see that they suddenly see the Bai Yinting in front of them.
It turns out that he has arrived. Are you ready for all this?
Little edamame took Xiazhu by the hand, and all the people passing by Xiazhu gave her flowers in their hands, followed by a blessing.
"Thank you" Xia Zhu suddenly felt a burst of happiness, which should be the most blessed words she has heard in her life.
What she couldn’t believe most was that she saw Xing Feng and Zheng Luanxiong, and Zheng Luanxiong had tears in his eyes.
After walking on the stage, Bai Yinting looked at her. Suddenly, the gentleman fell to his knees and took out a beautiful jewelry box. It was a shining diamond ring.
"lend it to me, Xia Zhu," said Bai yinting seriously
Xia Zhu didn’t answer, and everyone else held their breath and waited for her answer. After all, everyone knew the reason for their divorce.
The words "We won’t remember the past, and I will have the vitality for the rest of my life. You will never be a woman again. I love you" are simple but have covered everything.
Bai Yinting’s eyes were so sincere that Xia Zhufa refused.
"marry him. marry him."
At first someone shouted, and then everyone began to shout.
Everyone’s atmosphere contrasts, and Xia Zhu refused "I do" even more.
Everyone applauded warmly. Bai Yinting gave Xia Zhu a ring and got happy and kissed her.
Yani quickly covered the eyes of Xiaomaidou, but Xiaomaidou struggled "Let me see, let me see."
The same is true of watching TV at home. Yani thinks that Xiaomaidou learns something too fast, and she may be flexible in these shots soon.
When Xiao edamame saw her father kissing Xia Zhu, she learned at the first time that she hugged Yani, and then he kissed her on the lips, "Brother Yani, I am so happy."
Yani well, my first kiss has long been taken away by this little girl, which is nothing.
Don’t blame her for being too young to be sensible.
Everyone is happy with Bai Yinting and Xia Zhu, and so are Bai Hong and Bai Chengyu. Bai Hong almost didn’t shed tears. He has been upset about his own mistakes in the past, and today he can finally let go.
And Bai Chengyu is happy with Xia Zhu. After all, she deserves the best.
On the other side, Xing Feng sighed and looked at Qu Road not far from him. His expression was more complicated, but he also applauded with everyone.

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