Los Changfeng is not found abnormal.


I’m afraid he can’t stay in this remote mountain town for a day if he really knows that the wooden doyen behind him will look at him as a granddaughter’s husband for a long time.
"For the wood doyen this liquid medicine is …" Said Luo Changfeng turned around and didn’t notice.
"Speaking of this medicine, I need your help." I have already returned to Shenmu Yi and patted my forehead and said.
"Go straight along this street. There’s a family named Liu who is in charge. Not long ago, a group of foreign mountain bandits killed her, leaving her widow and a seven-year-old Daijoni. Alas, it’s also a poor family. The child has been ill these two days. This medicine is to give the child heat and detoxification. Mulan, a girl, will give you a gift for the old man in a short time."
"Duty-bound" Luo Changfeng poured the boiled soup into the medicine jar and carefully sealed it, then turned around and laughed.
Wood doyen nodded with satisfaction.
Luo Changfeng also brought some air-dried herbs according to the orders of the old healer Mu Yi. By the way, after writing the cooking method, he was about to leave when he heard the call from behind the doyen.
Los Changfeng stopped and turned back.
"Old-timers still have things to do?" Luo Changfeng doubts
"Look at this for many days and forget to ask your name." Wood doyen laughed.
"I …" Luo Changfeng some silence.
"Don’t want to say? No, it’s just a title. "The old healer waved.
"Old-timer" Luo Changfeng suddenly call way
"why?" Wood doyen picked his eyebrows.
"My name is Luo Luo’s first day" Luo Changfeng’s eyes flashed with a deep sadness.
Yuanshan town faces the water and backs the mountain.
There are often wild animals and prey, and many herbs grow naturally in the mountains. The herbs needed for some minor ailments in the town are often obtained by Mulan, a medical daughter.
Today, Mulan, a strange medical girl, went to the mountain early, not to collect herbs, but someone was waiting for her.
In a cave that is not deep in nature, several Yan Lingwei disguised as hunters are guarding the cave.
In order to avoid Luo Changfeng, she had to hide in the back mountain cave, disguised as a man. Cher handed Mulan, a medical woman in front of her, a prescription. "Although his trauma has healed, he still has a road injury. Although this prescription can’t be cured, it can make him recuperate. There are several herbs that are not common. I will give you a dose later, and then you will come to me every three days. I will give you a dose."
Looking at the front of her eyes, her figure is excellent, which makes her feel ashamed. Mulan, a handsome beauty and medical woman, is in a trance.
She is an ordinary medical woman. She learned some introductory techniques for treating common diseases from her grandfather Mu Yi. It is the first time to hear these practitioners’ Chinese language today.
Although it is understandable that Luo Changfeng still has hidden injuries and has not recovered, she still forced herself to remember every word that Cher said.
But she has always had a question in her heart. Those cheng eyes are always looking at Cher’s delicate cheeks.
"What’s the matter?" Cher arch eyebrows tiny cu light asked.
"Did you save him and not meet him?"
Chapter ninety-seven Said the best hospital knife
Mulan, a medical daughter, stared at Cher with a questioning look. Cher was silent for a short time and the cave was filled with silence.

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