"Xu Le, I know you are very strong, but this is my home, where I have been running for many years.


So … Feel the power of God! "
Zesimi suddenly spurted blood, and his blood seemed to burn and boil at this moment.
This state feels like a special ceremony of the cult of Baal.
And Zesimi is his own blood and life to complete this ceremony.
"Evil touch"
The whole battlefield is surging with the power of evil, and layers of annular life energy are filled with every corner.
Even some people at the base can feel this force.
"Is this Qiwei?"
"No way. He didn’t mean to break through level 7."
"I don’t know. It’s the first time I’ve had this feeling."
"It really looks like Qiwei."
People at the base have been talking about Zesimi’s release of the final power. Many people think that it is impossible for the level 6 transcendent to release the amazing power.
Because grades 6 and 7 are the gap between heaven and earth.
Just because you sacrificed your life and your body, the gap will narrow.
Looking at several broken vines hammer Xu Le also frowned slightly felt the danger.
All the vines’ mallets are at the top at this moment.
Bright and beautiful flowers also bloom at the same time
No one would have thought that Zesimi’s ugly moves were abnormal, and Zesimi would release such gorgeous moves.
Counting the moment when flowers bloom seems to be frozen by some kind of force.
Xu Le knew that this was absolutely divine power.
There is a god here.
"God blooms-it’s raining all over the sky"
Chapter 477 Winner
Xu Le looked at this beautiful moment and instantly understood what Zesimi could release amazing powers at level 6.
He not only sacrificed his life and body.
As he said, this is his home and his base for many years.
He sacrificed everything except himself, and he also sacrificed all the gods and monsters.
All the departments were handed over to God.
And God finally gave Zesimi a complete feedback after absorbing all the evil forces.
That’s the divine rule
Level 6 top warlock’s life plus his years of research on weird whiskers and the complete rules of God’s arrival.
That’s why this move is full of strange powers.
At this moment, even Xu Le has to praise one.
"What a stunning figure."
Yes, Zesimi’s ideas and fighting methods have been amazing to Xu Le.

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