The angel god screamed in fear. He was already in the strongest state, but he never expected that Su Li would become stronger and more horrible than before, and he could crush his core with one blow.


I have been watching the theater and observing the mentality of Yin and Yang gods. I can’t see him with my left hand every other time. If I hold the stone hammer, I won’t let the stone hammer further destroy the angel god Sen Luo Jing.
The sound of Su Li is like thunder, and the triple divine power in the stone hammer, together with immortal particles, erupts like a torrent.
In the state of grain, even if the Yin and Yang gods are far stronger than the angel gods and the God of Heaven and Yao, he is not afraid at all.
The right hand waved the Chiyou blade and followed closely, vowing to seize this opportunity to kill the angel god first and seize his senluo energy.
It is not the chaotic heart but the true god Senluo who can help him achieve perfection at the fastest speed.
From ancient times to modern times, how many people have been able to kill their gods when they are not full? Get the true god senluo?
Yin and Yang gods grabbed the stone hammer and it was impacted by the immortal grain and the triple divine power in the stone hammer. His face showed a different color.
His body is stretched, half male and half female, like a huge statue, which has shown his true image of yin and yang.
God Yao said nothing, and her body swelled into a complex symbol filled with a heavy light, which is exactly the symbol of her true spirit.
On this day, the symbol suddenly hangs upside down, and suddenly Su Li is holding the Chiyou blade in his right hand.
Su Li felt that the blade of Chiyou became so heavy that even the immortal statue of His Senluo became sluggish and dignified as if it were sinking into a quagmire.
At the same time, Yin and Yang gods and Tian Yao gods made moves. Su Li felt a force of legal resistance, wrapped in a stone hammer, and suddenly pulled it out and flew out.
The Yin and Yang gods seized the stone hammer and faced his absolute power. Su Li could not resist even in the state of grain.
This Yin-Yang God is far more powerful than Angel God and Tianyao God.
The stone hammer was taken away, and the angel god escaped, and he broke out in a cold sweat. Looking at Su Li’s stone hammer was taken away, and the Chiyou blade was controlled by the God Yao. It was an excellent opportunity to immediately double his hands and launch the strongest God’s genetic power to cooperate with the God Wing and the Angel Elephant’s hands to make a fist. Su Li hit the other body, Sen Luo.
"Boom"-He is in the true state of the true God, stripping out Sulisenro, looking for Senro to attack, but still attacking.
"What the hell is going on?" Angel god can’t be white. Although he is a true god, he can’t enter the grain world.
Su Li’s thought field started his mind to think that it was to crush the angel god Senluo.
Crazy loss of body energy, the ancient city appeared, and a over the rainbow light rushed out and shot through the angel god’s heavy power blockade to penetrate the covered god wing and hit Sen Luo in the depths of his body.
Angel God Sen Luo Yuan has a rune defense, which has just been smashed by a stone hammer. Although the stone hammer was instantly taken away by Yin and Yang gods, this rune defense failed to recover. Sen Luo exposed the ancient city outside and suddenly flashed. It seems that even Yin and Yang gods felt surprised.
When he noticed it, he heard a crack, and the smell of angels and gods came to an abrupt end.
Senluo is the true god. Gensenluo is shattered, and even the true god will fall.
This time, the angel god is in a state of perfection, and he is really dead when he is crushed.
The glorious angel statue of Senluo collapsed, and the wings of the gods were shattered. Both the Yin and Yang gods and the God of Heaven and Yao opened their eyes and showed incredible looks.
Although they all know that Su Li is very powerful, they still feel the shock of Dharma shape when Su Li really breaks the core of Angel God.
An imperfect god in Senluo really killed a true god with an altar.
Su Li ignored their shock, and the domain of thoughts swept away, so he smashed the angel god Senluo into it. This is the true god Senluo’s crushing energy, which can accelerate his perfection. Even ten or twenty pieces of chaotic heart can’t compare with it.
Always reporting a playful attitude, Yin and Yang finally became really angry.

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