It occurred to Xu that huge marshmallows could be compressed to the size of soybeans. What about this one?


I won’t know until I try!
I have learned to jump out of the mindset and try to compress this rolling white mist!
Chapter six hundred and fifteen Don’t add prefixes and suffixes to be unique.
It is difficult for Xu to try to compress this rolling white fog.
If this white fog is a mental body, then the mental body must be composed of spirit, and it is the spirit to compress the mental body.
It sounds awkward.
To put it figuratively, it would be trying to lift yourself up.
This is the feeling of difficulty that Xu will feel when he retires!
He has exerted all his strength, but he just can’t lift himself.
Spirit, but this rolling white fog is nothing.
Can’t compress?
Xu back a little discouraged.
I finally jumped out of the so-called mindset and had some ideas, but it ended in failure!
Or is it that imagination is imagination after all, and not all imagination can be achieved?
Or is it wrong to make a retreat?
Trying to give up after a few minutes is not a retreat style.
Otherwise, meditation has been going on for so many years
I’m sure I can’t lift myself
But it can … jump up.
Xu back heart abrupt move to change the train of thought.
No compression contraction!
Is compression an external force or is contraction a force?
The slightest movement of the mind will blink, and the rolling mist in my mind will collapse and shrink with the naked eye.
It’s done!
The rolling white fog is a bit like steam before it becomes thick in contraction.
But after half an hour, it was like fog.
An hour later, the mist had shrunk several times and turned into a dense fog thicker than white.
Xu tui continues to control the contraction.
In the process of contraction, Xu found that his mental control seemed to become stronger.
After several attempts and imagination, Xu retreated directly from this white fog and then compressed it.
Compression plus contraction
It seems that I can lift myself up and do it.
The white fog is shrinking
In the process of continuous compression and contraction, the white fog becomes smaller again and gradually becomes fist-sized, but it feels compressed when it retreats.
Finally, the white fog in Xu’s mind was compressed into an egg-sized sphere.
It looks very textured
At this time, a kind of French fatigue is very tired!
Really tired!
I’m full of energy, but I’m just tired. I feel like I haven’t slept for days and nights
It was the second day when I took a look, and it was late on January 1.
This surprised Xu tui. Did his compression and contraction last for a day and a half?
Surprised, I can’t hold back any longer and fall asleep. When people fall down, breathing has become very regular.
Sleep deeply.
Xu tui woke up again at noon on January 19, and slept for 14 hours according to the bedtime.
Very spirit
I feel energetic, too.
Take your time, wash your hands, have lunch, and retire before you re-enter the visual state to check your state.
Xu tui compressed hard for a day and a half, and actually compressed the mental body into an egg.
I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing
Is to enter the viewing moment and retreat and stay first.
In my mind, a glittering white egg floats there, but surprisingly, there are wisps of white fog floating around the egg, which at first glance looks like a halo.
If you zoom in, it will match the rings of some planets.
This is self-contained?
But after a few minutes, Xu retired and had no heart.
What is self-contained? Those white fogs are simply new spirits.
The mind is compressed into the egg-shaped mental body as soon as it moves.
Direct microscopic observation of this egg-shaped mental body
Extremely porcelain!
The spirit contained in it is no longer as loose as the fog before
But very solid.
The spirit gushes out from the spirit egg directly, which is a very thin line.
The gushing speed is very fast.
There is no comparative reference before, so I can say the change, but I feel the change is great.

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