It seems that people in Jianghu are not allowed to deal with in the future …


When everyone was preparing, there was something wrong with Ann Mouse.
Seeing the blood in the tattooed eyes of his apostate, Ann gave birth to that fat body and gradually shrank, making the whole person thinner.
Li Laodao’s eyes were completely exposed. "He has succeeded. This is his own flesh and blood!"
The words sound just fell and Li Chunniang pinched the tactic.
See the white cold-foggy python suddenly open its mouth and wrap Ann’s raw package, click and click, and the ice condenses to form an ice lump more than half a meter thick.
At the same time, the thousand silver needles are also sashimi like a python, which is constantly tightening.
This is simply the ultimate torture. Imagine being frozen by the cold and being pricked by thousands of acupuncture points. Even refined monks can’t stand it.
However, the scene before us surprised everyone.
The silver needle actually pierced Ann’s skin, and cracks appeared in the twisted ice lump.
"No way!"
Li Chunniang’s third brother’s eyes were full of murder, and once again he sprayed a cold fog to try to reinforce the ice.
However, it was late.
The ice burst and shattered.
Strangely, those broken ice cubes were prevented from falling to the ground by some force after being deployed by Li Laodao.
The technique was broken. Li Chunniang sprayed blood on her mouth, and the third brother of the fairy family was still on the alert when she pulled out her waist. soft sword.
Li Laodao quickly pinched the method and said, "The skill of stabbing the gods is really extraordinary. I’m afraid this five-line array won’t be trapped for long. Copy the guys!"
They smell speech are alert.
That’s how Jianghu fights are. Various sects’ techniques are complicated and varied. Some can achieve the killing effect, while others restrain them.
"Hee hee … ha ha ha …"
In the arrangement of Li Laodao’s law, Ann Mouse slowly got up and twisted his neck strangely. He looked back at everyone and smiled. "It seems that I am right to deal with the old zombie or I can choose one."
"Ann mouse!"
Xiao Qingman’s eyes are full of hatred, and the sword refers to a flying sword buzzing and shaking behind him as if it were about to explode at any time.
Ann Mouse smiled and threw a peanut into her mouth while chewing. "Old Taoist, you should thank me for flying swords. It’s because of your qualifications … Gee, you haven’t learned the skill of deer and deer yet. How many swords can you use?"
Wang Xuan saw Xiao Qingman almost burst into a cold hum, "Don’t be moved by him!"
As soon as the words sound just fell, Ann gave birth to a mouse, then he smiled and suddenly stretched out his right hand tattoo, accompanied by the spread of black and red strange light, and waved his hand forward.
Bang bang bang!
After several explosions, Li Laodao’s sword was instantly broken.
Before everyone could react, the ghostly shadow came straight at them with a strange smile.
How fast!

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