The most important thing is that Aurora is also a strong star and has just broken through the five-star star not long ago!


The aurora is methodical and powerful. Since an intruder broke in and the No.3 delivery channel fortress lost contact, it is said that the enemy is not weak.
Then just knot all your strength and push it flat
"Here is uneasy! It seems that I have to make a choice as soon as possible! " Aurora quickly went through the war by herself after finishing the command.
On occasions, it is necessary to hide your true situation.
It’s a war that only wears half of the aurora. Abrupt body is a stiff!
A very strong and strange smell locked him in this moment!
Aurora dare not move!
He feels that if he moves his horse, he will get a thunderous blow from the other side!
Locked in by the other person’s breath, Aurora dared to turn around at a very slow speed, and then he saw that the sky was staring at him coldly.
"Xu retreat?"
See the aurora blurt out at the moment.
"You are the aurora? It doesn’t look so good! " Xu tui wai tou
The realistic characteristics of the main force field of the spirit have wrapped the aurora.
I feel trapped in a strange force field, and I dare not make a move.
He is waiting now.
Wait for him to come over.
He has just ordered that at least four planets and twelve quasi-planets will arrive here and knot.
When these families arrived, they were the time when he got out of trouble.
Five seconds later, two streamers rushed from one direction of Aurora Base.
Aurora heart look forward to but dare not move.
But for a moment, the aurora heart sank as if it were in the abyss.
Two stars, a three-guard and a two-guard, just flew within two kilometers of Xutui when they turned into two ice blocks and then fell like stones.
Listen to that sound, it’s broken into ice slag.
Aurora suddenly had an idea-killing stars is like killing chickens!
This retreat is much stronger than intelligence!
So today …
Can’t wait.
He had to fight back.
We must save ourselves.
Just retreat, and the other two stars who have just shown their strength will also be killed by seconds.
On the contrary, he still has a little chance if the five-star star suddenly rebelled.
Moment aurora whole body power instantly explode.
But as far as his whole body strength fluctuates at the moment, a handle flashing light gold hammer has severely knocked on the aurora forehead.
A seal appeared steeply to stop the hammer, but it was scattered!
A hammer slammed!
Instantaneous aurora eyes, ears, mouth and nose spilled blood at the same time and passed out on the spot.
One just broke through the five guards.
If it weren’t for xu back need aurora this monkey don’t need to be so careful.
Also because of the importance of aurora, the main force field of the spirit is wrapped in aurora and dare not be careless.
He’s learned it many times.
Three minutes later, An Xiaoxue and others arrived
"Four people in a group of clear! Those who resist and do not surrender will be beheaded! " Xu retreated to the order!

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