Nine dragons and horses are going to explode and their bodies will recover immediately, as if they were in good condition.


But meaningless!
The immortal sword in nine clouds and nine deep valleys
It’s really bad to read the sword for nine days and ten places
The immortal changes, the poor is wonderful, and the great Luo Jinxian is bloody.
What if the world stops?
Then cut the world!
When you meet god, kill god, and break the boundary!
Poof, Yi, Jiu, Tianlong still splashed into thousands of blood.
Then the world source click is shattered.
Fu Xia Liang is not far from Jiugang Tianlong, and Jiugang Tianlong splashed blood all over him.
It didn’t splash anywhere else. I don’t know what it was. He was covered with nine dragons’ blood from head to toe.
It seems that his body is deliberately attracted.
This makes Fu Xialiang three people very speechless.
Then, with a click, the magnificent temple collapsed.
The source of the world is the operation of the black-headed dog god in the temple
It would be better if the black-headed dog god didn’t manage to refine the meat in the rotten pot when the five elements of the dog refined the nine dragons.
Later, the five-element heavenly dog died, and Jiugang Tianlong was in danger. The black-headed dog god immediately took action to save Jiugang Tianlong.
However, he failed, and "The Sword of the Nine Dragons" was so overbearing.
Cut off the world source
So did other temples with the collapse.
It all happened so fast that everyone was dumbfounded.
Abaddon suddenly shouted, "No, the broken temple of the black-headed dog god means that the world’s bondage to him is also weakened."
Let’s go, everyone. Get out of here! "
When you say this, they immediately activate their body marks one by one and leave here.
This war, the extinction of the dog clan can be said to have ended the trial, and all the people immediately flashed and then left one by one.
Gu Dao Ling Li waved to Fu Xia Liang to let him leave quickly, but Fu Xia Liang did not respond.
Then Ye Zhiqiu is also away.
Abaddon is also from watching to Fu Xia cool shouted.
"Fu has a chance to see you again!"
Fu Xia cool nodded slightly to see me off!
Then Magnus and Difu left in succession.
Magnus took one last look at Fu Xialiang, as if there were strange emotions in the eagle eye.
In the distance, there are also a few Guanghua monks, all of whom are Terran monks. They are far away from watching the war and dare not go to war. Now they run away.
Fu Xia was so cool that he wanted to leave, but he dared not move.
He was deadlocked by a powerful force.
If you want him to move, you will die!
Suddenly, a beast appeared slowly in the more powerful trance.
A giant dog is a thousand feet high, and the whole dog’s head is black and black!
Black-headed dog god!
The gods here control the world here, but they are also dealt with by the world restriction law against those invaders
Can change each other’s luck and promote the dog family’s luck.
Now the source of the world has been hit hard, and the temple collapsed. Instead, he disappeared in person to kill Fu Xialiang.
As time went by, his strength grew stronger and stronger, and several terran lights suddenly went out in the distance.
I want to leave late at this time!
Fu Xialiang was frightened and asked, "What should I do?"
Yang xiu looked at the distant huge dog god said slowly.
""Nine Deep Excalibur "has been used. That’s a way!
Bite the devil and swallow him! "
Fu Xialiang said, "How is it possible!"
"Nothing is impossible!"
"Looking at a guy with such a big dog’s head and sharp teeth and liking to eat people will inevitably swallow us up."
"It devours us and gives us a chance!"
"When the time comes, you can hold our mountains and seas.
Then I invited the night god to appear and devour him in turn! "
Three people nod instantly!
Yang xiu silently casts spells.
"The night is dark, the sky is extremely dark, and my night is …"
The spell "Big Dark Day" devours darkness

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